Tuesday, January 27, 2009

D is for Diligent

We are back to the alphabet and this time, this one really hits home. D is for Diligent and this can be taken in so many ways. What does diligent (diligence) mean to you? To me, it is perservering, pressing on, not giving up, keep trying, steady.

Oh, did I need this lesson today. I just received the call from the Coastal Community Action Program and I did not get the job I interviewed for on Friday. Oh, you don't know how sick and tired I am of hearing how difficult the decision was for the interviewer, how well I performed, how they wish me well, they will keep my application on file.

I immediately got off the telephone and asked God what do you want from me? What is it I am supposed to be doing? Why are we in Aberdeen if I can't find a job to help support my family?

This is the reply I received back:
2 Peter 1:10 - 'Therefore, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will not stumble.' The Truth is, from 2 Peter 1:1-10 it talks about perseverance in our faith and Godliness.

I felt years ago led to move to this area, you all know the story and how it came about and how I feel sure God called us here for a reason. I have practiced diligence in looking for jobs I feel I am being led (teaching, charity work, working with parents and the unemployed) and at every turn with the exception of the sub work I do, I am shot down. Time after time. Last year, 31 letters of denial came to my home and those are only from employers who sent letters.

I have followed the call. I have applied the Purpose Driven Life, been counseling with the Purpose Driven Woman curriculum, taken so many personality tests I could scream, revamped my resume over and over again. I am at a loss, but I do believe it has to do with age. I am 52 years old and no one wants to hire me. When I see the people that actually get hired, I know it is about age, but I also know God has a perfect plan for my family.

Diligence should be applied to all of our life. I am diligent (so far this year) to start my day off with prayer and biblical teachings. I am diligent about making my bed every morning, picking up the house when I don't work and having dinner on the table by 6:30 at the latest.

All of these are changes in my life from my previous 26 years of behavior. I have begun to open my eyes about being a wife and making my husband happy. I believe I have learned to put into practice Proverbs 4:25 - 'Watch over your heart with all diligence (there is that word again), for from it flows the springs of life.'

I am truly grateful in today's economy to have the job I do. I am terrified to think what will happen in June when school ends, but I also stand strong on His promise in Proverbs 3:5,6 to 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.'

My heart knows what to do, but my mind wavers. With each wave of lay offs, my stomach gets knots and I wonder when will it end? How many of these families will loose their homes? I worry about my new home, 200 lost jobs and closed mills, means more than 200 lost jobs. It means less money in the community that is already suffering. It means split families as new jobs are located and more vacant homes.

I know God is in control, it is just at times, my mortality gets the best of me and I feel so hopeless.

Diligence will get us through. Diligence in following Gods word, in following our hearts and reaching out to others less fortunate than ourselves.

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