Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Letter T for Television

Today is Saturday and I know many of you have worked all week and need to catch up on some housecleaning and running errand chores, but please, do NOT park your children in front of the television all week-end as a baby sitter.
This week-end, I am asking you to TURN OFF the TELEVISION and take time to be with believers and your family and just have a good time. It doesn't have to cost a lot, or take a lot of time preparing, just spend some time with people the reenergize yourself!
The Television as well as the computer can zap you of energy and precious time that you won't be able to get back. That is why I haven't posted a lot over the last few days, I have been busy enjoying outside!
Thursday, we spent time cleaning up and hauling all our winter stored trash to the dump and demossing (not really a word) our back deck. Yesterday, the grandchildren and some neighbors sat out on the front porch and had a small picnic with apples, crackers and juice.
Today, our YMCA is offering some free activities for a few hours, so people can get out with their children and have a good time.
I have managed to cut out and sew up the squares for the oldest granddaughters quilt and cut out and get ready an appliqued quilt pillow and small hug quilt for a friend.
Even Dr. Andrew Weil tells us to shut off the television, don't watch the news, these are things that sap our strength.
Follow this verse of the Bible and you may be pleasantly surprised at how much more time and energy you have during the day: 'We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obediant to Christ.' 2 Corinthians 10:5
I look at it this my car the only radio stations we listen to are Christian radio such as Air 1 and Spirit 105 out of Seattle. Each one of these stations ask listeners to support them, but to me what is so much more important is that I can call them when I have a prayer request and I know they are praying with and for me. The cost of their prayers is zip, zero, nada, nothing, none!
I can watch a certain televangelist and he will pray for me if I send him money! Jesus kicked the unrighteous out of the temples for making a mockery out of them, isn't this what pay for prayer is doing? If that won't sap your strength, I don't know what will.
Just for today, spend more time with those you love, with friends and let me know how you feel.
Go out and mow the lawn, sit on the porch and talk to neighbors and just enjoy the day!

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