Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Long Journey

The beautiful woman on the left of this photo is my mom, Virginia Adophson and she has end stages of cancer. It has been a long journey for her, but God has held her in his hands and she has been for the most part pain free.

My oldest son reminded me yesterday that,'grandma sat for hours with me and taught me to tie my shoes.' My granddaughter Shy remembers when my mom made fried chicken and dusted her with flour so she looked like she had cooked.

I remember all the memories but the one recent one was when I was very sick and graduated for the first time from college. She refused to leave until I got better and her and my step-dad took me to the hospital for an invasive test I had and then mom made sure throughout the day I kept hydrated.

Today, I welcome all your prayers for my safe journey as I leave my family here in Washington behind and get on a plane to spend her last days with her. She is a strong woman, she has fought this battle bravely and I only wish I could be as brave as she is or as strong as my grandchildren are during this time.
I will have a 2 hour layover in San Francisco from United in from Seattle if anyone lives close by I would love to meet you.

I will get into moms around 6:30 this evening.

Keep my family in your thoughts and prayers and my husband will post as he can!


Nanbon44 said...

I know what you are going through as I made the same journey three years ago with my Mother and her battle with Colon cancer. Her Hospice nurses were just wonderful to her and the entire family. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Shirley said...

I wish you a safe trip and that you will have the opportunity to find special memories during this journey.