Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Projects...Finishing the Honey Do's

Many of you will remember how happy I was that we have laid new flooring, sink, counter, toilet, bath fan in the bathroom....but, I can't get hubby to put in the new base boards...we will this winter!

We also really need to talk to a contractor and decide if it would be best to pull out the tub surround and re-tile, pull out the entire tub and put a huge new shower only in that area. I will keep you posted, as saying the 'C' word as in contractor upsets hubs the most! Understandable, it is a money $$$$$$ issue!

Speaking of, I did get the drywall repaired in the basement...just have to sand some areas and I will be doing that on my own and talked to a neighbor about having her dry wall guy come by and finish up what the guys who did mine can't. Then it will be priming and painting the walls, the drop in tiles (until I find ones I like), putting up a stone or brick wall around the wood stove, new closet doors, etc.

There are little things we need to get accomplished and I think I can get hubs to do it. If not, I will call a 'C' and pay for it as we go.

Honey Do's in my book can only sit so long and then I have to pay someone so they can become Honey Dones!

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