Do any of you remember Lost In Space or did I just age myself? In it there was a robot and he was always running around and shouting, ' Warning Will Robinson, Warning!'
Well, I am not a robot, but I am going to shout this out to all of you thinking about purchasing an older home...Warning old home buyers, Warning, unless you have unlimited amounts of cash...DON'T DO IT!!
I grew up in some pretty cool older homes. Ones with hidden stair cases, wrap around front porches, enclosed porches, huge kitchens and I love them as a child. We all have seen the old homes people fix up and many of us drool over these, thinking how awesome they would be.
Well, they are awesome, if they are completed gutted and redone BEFORE you move in.
Our sink in the kitchen has been dribbling for awhile and since none of the other faucets in the house are doing this, hubby knew it was time to replace or check the faucet. So, yesterday, he took the faucet apart and found a broken 'O' ring, however there was lots of junk inside and he decided to replace the faucet. Besides, the sprayer hadn't work since we moved in.
He turns off the valve to the kitchen sink and hops in his truck with our son and daughter-in-law, however and thank goodness, she was a bit behind and walks into the kitchen and in just less than 2 minutes, it was under about a 1/2" of water.
I have been taught well, I tore open the cabinet and shut off the valves, but it was still coming. So hubs turned off the main water valve & that is where the problem was, it main valve under the sink broke completely off.
So, in comes a new faucet and valve only to find out all the old piping had rusted so badly, it had to be replaced. So, every time we do plumbing it is more complicated than necessary, or electrical or anything.
Our home is 86 years old, the building was done strong, but things fall apart and unless you can afford to feed the piggy bank, don't buy a money pit!
Still, I love the fact my new faucet and sprayer work!
Yeah, I live in one of these. Hubby's grandfather built it in 1903. Hubby is great at 'making do' with the old stuff, because it is too big a deal to change anything becomes a major overhaul! So, we put up with 'stuff' not quite working right or looking right etc. I love the character of this old home is so hard to find new homes with character...
You are soooooooooooo right, lots of character, but major rehaul anytime there is a project to be done!
I totally agree about the money pit. Ours has cost us an arm and a leg. We are almost finished with it only to put it on the market in a couple weeks. Hugs
My parents own a "historic" home. When I was a kid the ice would freeze on the inside of the windows. They have replaced almost all the piping in the place and I know the electrical needs the same. The fire insurance people are out there every other year to "inspect" the place. I hate to do it but when the house becomes mine I'm selling it. To much work, time, blood, sweat, and tears!
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