Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 10 30 Day Photo Challenge....:( No Picture

Today' photo is supposed to be of the person you do the most ******things with. However, since I am almost midway into my 50's, raising 3 grands, I don't really do anything weird, stupid or odd anymore.

I know, I know, it is sad, but I just don't.

So, there won't be a picture today...................:(


Vicki said...

Wow!! Am I 5 days behind? Got the scanner, so will be catching up tonight.

I'm sure that raising your 3 grandchildren has you doing something crazy... at least for women our age. Maybe just more out of the ordinary ...

Vicki said...

ha,ha,ha ... we do something similar ... the grandchildren and I. In the summer we lay on the driveway at dusk and watch the bats fly around... LOL