Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lesson #14, God Is With Me

The actual title is: 'He brought us out to bring us in.' I just like the fact that this week in so many ways God has confirmed to me that He is With me and He did bring us out of our comfort zone (material wise) in Phoenix to bring us in closer to Him in Aberdeen.' Oh Father, You are so mighty!

We talked of the importance of encouragement when God has called us to task. Has a lack of encouragement or even ridicule ever taken you back to a place of insufficiency you thought you had conquered? Yes, many times. Most recently would be my healing from Fibromyalgia and the many people who come up to me and ask, 'so, are you still healed?' What? Once healed, God isn't going to change His mind. But then when I have a day where my heel spur is bothering me, I find myself lapsing back to...'am I really healed? Is this just temporary?' I hate doing that but I know through prayer and reading the Bible, I will conquer this. Recently I had a visiting pastor tell me I was very much like Peter. My faith is strong, but when I get out in the water I start to sink and he reminded me that Jesus is not going to let that happen.

. Is there someone you know right now who is attempting a new ministry that could use a world of encouragement from you? I know of 2 people right now. The first is an amazing woman named Lindsay Rushton who has a ministry in Africa working with blind school children. She is back in the states right now collecting funds for the school and learning to speak the language and more about missionaries. The other is myself with my quilts. I just feel such a calling by god to use my quilts as ministry for others .Why do you think this thing may be scary for her? Lindsay has been in Africa before and loves it. However recently their camp or area was broken into, uniforms of the children were stolen, personal items of another missionary. I think the lawlessness in the area is scary, but more that there will be others she can't help due to lack of funding. For me with the quilts it is scary because I feel no one believes in the mission as I do and everyone thinks they are a joke. Will you commit to write a note, make a call, or send an email with a dose of courage inside? Lindsay and I spoke yesterday. I try to make a habit to contact her at least once a week and let her know I am praying for her and I believe in what she is doing!

Read Moses' song in Exodus 15:3-18. What line speaks to you most? Why does it touch you? Verse #13: In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.
In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.
This verse touches me the most because God has led my family to where we are living now & while it isn't always a picnic with the old house we have, I know I am redeemed, I am seeing the blooms from seeds that have been planted but I can't explain it. I just believe God has such great things planned for this area and I believe I am in His holy dwelling.

Based on the applications of living either inside or outside the Promise, where would you now say you currently reside? (As I read your answers, if this one point seems to have been confusing, I'll elaborate in a separate post. Again remember I am asking this question in terms of abundant living and not in determining salvation.;)) Inside the promise with an occasional trip to the outside. I have gotten more determined in spending time reading the Bible and books on how Christian women should mentor to others. Currently I am reading 'The Power of a Praying Wife.' I just feel prayer is our strongest tool to use against the devil and to wrap our loved ones in. Of course each morning, the children and I put on our armor of God and the other day Jony came home and said he had a great day. 'Ranny, I used my shield to hit the bad words a kid said to me so I wouldn't be mean back, then I stuck the sword in the words and they went away! ' What a great visual! The more I read and pray, the more inside I am!

. If you are 'Somewhere in the Middle' between the girl you were and the one you want to be, how do you plan on changing that? Is there a barrier you feel you can't climb?Sometimes I feel I can't get over the 'husband hurdle.' I want so badly to help financially in our family and yet my job is only part-time and I can't find full-time work. I want him to know when he is hurting, I am hurting and all I can do is pray which makes him angrier at God because hubby hates what our lives have become. Chopping wood for heat, constantly repairing an old house & it all falls on him. Last evening he told me that he wished he could live my life. He forgets that over the years he has! As angry as he was last evening (don't we all have an off day?) I just kept sewing and keeping busy, I knew to say anything would have added fuel to the fire. I guess what I am saying if I feel if hubby would just ask God back into his life, if he would trust and believe, God would bless him more than this battle he has going on with the Lord. Knowing God is for you and this study group is for you, is there a way we can help? Pray for my strength, pray for my husband Jerry is his name, any book recommendations? I am also looking for a mentor, someone I can talk to everyday or that will check in with me to help me along this journey.

Thank you once again Lisa for a thought provoking journey into the Bible and my heart!

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