Sunday, March 15, 2009


Some of my regular followers will begin seeing once again some changes to this blog. I am removing my awards after they have been up for a certain period of time and I am removing blogs and Etsy sites that have been dead or have not posted anything for over 2 months.

I cannot control when people do or do not blog, but if someone hasn't posted in over 3 months (or like one Etsy shop that closed before Christmas and still has on its store front opening after the first of the year) or their store front hasn't change, I am removing them from my blog.

Everyday, I come across new blogs and new Etsy shops that I would love to showcase, but feel at times my blog lists are to long to give everyone a fair chance to be seen. So, if you noticed you were here and are now gone and you still want me to showcase your blog or site, send me an Email and a link to the site and I will go back and take another look at what you have going on.

Even some of my favorites will be going away to make more room for new things!

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