Monday - Auditions, the girls got parts and poor Jonathan didn't. He was quite upset, but maybe next year.
Wednesday - Practice for the play, Awana's and then shoe shopping for the play.
Thursday - Practice for the play, Brownie Meeting
Friday - Practice for the play and the show
Today - Practice and the plays final show
This has been a very busy week and one in which the extra hours at the end of the day and business wears on my Fibromyalgia, but I try to grit my teeth and get through it. The two end chameleons (top and bottom) belong to us and when they first came out, I actually didn't recognize them right away.
They did an adorable dance called the Missoula Hula and stood quite awhile for their pictures to be taken. You can see most of them were pretty exhausted after all day at school and then the play and then posing for pictures around 8:30 last night.
I am not sure what this post-play actress was so focused on, but she really looked very deep in thought and I just love the big green cheeks they painted on them. If you ever get a chance to bring Missoula Childrens Theater to your town or school (even if you don't have children), I would suggest it highly!
In less than a week, they had put together a production with over 40 children in it, they had 4 production assistants who helped with the make-up and costumes and it just amazed me at how well put together this was in less than 5 days.
The productions are free of cost to the children who participate and to the audience and you just cannot get a better form of entertainment than children in a play. It simply kept me laughing and kept my attention which was hard when my pain level was at around a 9 last night.
You can actually go to their website here: Missoula Childrens Theatre
and check out all they have to offer. No children or grandchildren/ That is okay, you can still be a sponsor for your local schools and get so much more back from their production than what you put in.
Well, today is another busy day!
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