Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Covergirl Outlast Lipstain Coupon Giveaway

I applied this lipstain this morning and I can tell you it is amazing! It goes on smooth and easy, doesn't feel wet or greasy and when it dries, it doesn't come off and it lasts all day. The only thing I wish I would have done, was perhaps to apply it a bit heavier, but this stuff is well worth the money!

It isn't high glossy or even glossy and it doesn't have glitter in it. I don't know about many of you, but I am seriously way past the sparkly lipstick age. This is just a nice coat of color and if you wish to use gloss over it, you can.

Covergirl gave me the trial tube and sent me several $1.00 off coupons to give away. Of course, I left 2 with the receptionists in my docs office, which means, I have 7 coupons to giveaway. As opposed to making this a long drawn out contest, I want to make it quick, easy and painless. All you have to do to receive a coupon, is send me your name and Email address in the comment area and agree that once you purchase your lipstain, you will leave a comment on this blog and send a comment to Covergirl.

So, the comments are open, leave me a comment and I will send you your coupon, it is really that easy!

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