Friday, August 21, 2009

Doctors Update

Well, hubby, I and the kids made the trip into Olympia today so I could see the doctor. I was supposed to see her yesterday however, my ride was really ill and I had to cancel, so I didn't get to see my doctor, I saw her PA today & rumdum me, left my X-rays at home, so doctor will see them on Tuesday.

My incision is healing great. I was told I could resume work or a job but only for 4 hours a day and though I still cant drive, she wouldn't write me a note to be able to take dial-a-ride, so I have to contact the transit system here in town and find out what they need.

I am scheduled to go back in 6 weeks and they will check out new Xrays then and determine if they can begin to ween me from the turtle shell back brace I am wearing all over. The PA had no idea why I am having the severe pain I have all the time and she states I cannot take any anti-inflammatories for at least 6 months post-op, so now, I have to turn back to my Rheumatologist for answers on what to do for the aches and pains that aren't related to my back.

Trust me, I will never again while working wish I could just sit at home...It isn't what it is cracked up to be!

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