Thursday, February 11, 2010

at peace

This is Jean's husband, Jerry. I dropped Jean at the airport today so she could go visit her mom. Jean called me about a half hour later to tell me that her mom could not wait any longer. It is quite sad for all of us but Jean's mom is now at peace in the hands of the lord. I told the grand kids here with us about her passing. Alysha and Jonathan paused for a moment to reflect on it but they had all of their Valentines cards and candy from the school party. Shyann , however reflected on it much longer before quietly crying. I felt so bad for her because tears were rolling down her little shoulders. I took her to the store, we needed to buy some feel better food for dessert, I let her choose. Her choice is a favorite of mine too, Coconut Creme pie. It took her a little while but I was happy an hour later when a smyle had returned to her face.

I write this for Jean, of course my words could never be hers, but I did want to provide an update to those who follow. Jean will be in California, tentatively until next Thursday and will not have access to this blog.


Patty said...

My sympathy to your family. They have been in my prayers.

adrian said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. Just sent a prayer...

karen said...

Thank you for letting the readers know.. I have been praying for my friend, Jean, and know she is being comforted by the Lord during this time. Tell her that I am , and have been , praying, and thinking about her this week..
Thanks again for updating..

Port Douglas Hotels said...

Sad... Just be strong. I know your family could do it! Little by little you'll move on. Think happy thoughts.