Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No Slow Learner Here...

I am so happy to say that I learned so much from the wonderful women at conference last week about saving money and I think they would give me at least a B+ for my efforts this week.

The Home Depot bathroom set we purchased for $49.50? Well, take it down sweet things to the total cost being only $39.50 because the mirror just walked out the door, giving me another $10 savings!

Then, I went to Safeway, following all the couponing tricks I had and my bill came to $64.70 and when I was done, I only paid $46.52 not a huge savings, but it was $18.00 worth of savings I would not have had had I not attended conference last week.

All this means is almost taking up another hobby, scissors, baseball card dividers, but it is so worth it. My family loves Maries Creamy Italian salad dressing, but we just cannot afford it at $3.99 per jar. Today it was on sale for 2 at $5 and I had 2 $1 off coupons, so I got 2 jars for $3 which is less than the regular price for one.

I am loving this!


Betsy said...

Congratulations. It sounds like you found yourself a great plan.

karen said...

Good for you, friend, for wheeling and dealing in the coupons!! So good to use what is out there... such blessings that our God gives us if we just learn how to see them as blessings..Almost like heavenly manna calling our names!!