Friday, March 12, 2010

Time For Helping Others

So, I have had a hectic and wonderful past two weeks trying to sink my heart and soul into my new job and learning and doing so much. Whew! I forgot why they call full-time work, full-time.
But you know, even the most toughest person must come up for air sometime and relax.

That is exactly what I do when I quilt and this is another quilt I have made for one of our missionaries orphans over in Sierra Leone. It isn't fancy, but I liked the colors. A rust back ground with dark brown small flowers.

In this picture, I folded over a corner so you can see both sides are the same and I tied them with yarn knots of a darker brown.
Quilting just gives me time to think and pray and I pray over each and every quilt I have ever made in the hopes that God would bless the receiver.

Here is hoping that you always find time in your day and busy schedule to pray and take time to do something for yourself and while you are at it, send me some pictures,I would love to see them!


Ashley said...

Using quilting as a way to "come up for air and relax" is exactly what I do too. Whenever work, or life in general, becomes too much I like to take the time to work on a quilt. Reading quilt blogs, like yours, is also a great way to relax at the end of a long day. Thank you for your willingness to share and inspire others!

Judy said...

How precious of you to make quilts for those in such great need...especially as busy as your life is.

I've got materials for a "Quilts for Kids" sponsored by Downy that needs my attention. Making things for others less fortunate or who just need a hug is such a blessing for all concerned.
