I was coming home from work the other day and feeling exhausted, when it dawned on me, how much I do for my family, for work, for charity, etc. and just how little I do for myself.
As women, I believe we tend to think we don't deserve that hot rock massage, chair massage, quick slip into the tanning salon or beauty salon for a trim.
Nope!! We go to work, go home, run our children, run errands for our spouses, fix dinner, do laundry, etc. but when do we really take time for us? Rarely??
My husband works his fingers to the bone, he works usually 5-6 days per week over ten hour days, comes homes, chops firewood, helps with the laundry and dishes (since our dishwasher is out again), helps with the kids. On his days off, he is equally busy, however, not a day goes by when he is home, that he doesn't shut off the phones, turn off the tube and take at least an hour power nap. He realizes resting and taking care of himself is important.

Me? I pass on the nap everyday, to clean! Crazy? YES!!
We as women need to truly realize our husbands do not want us killing ourselves. They don't mind if we treat ourselves to a massage (I was every other week and then quit) or a nap. What about simple things like picking up those beautiful cut flowers you see at the store?
I love flowers and sometimes the stores will sell them to you at a reduced cost if they are over 24 hours old. Or, if you live in an area where you can plant a flower garden and bring some flowers in the house or your quiet place?
Here on the coast, I have flowers that pop up every year that I have never planted and they are beautiful and delicate and last forever in a vase and they make me feel special, calm and happy.
How about setting aside time each down to put your feet up and read for a few minutes either your Bible, favorite book, new crafting ideas, but get off the computer and spend some quiet time.
In the basement (which is back under construction), I have a chair, small table with candle and a reading light and I can go down there and read...I don't, but I could when the construction is complete.
Exercise! I work out at the beach, but do I take advantage of a short walk at lunch? Of course not, I am to busy doing other things during lunch to do that. Not to mention it has been extremely cold, wet and windy! But I have made up my mind that each day when it is nice outside at lunch, I am going for a short walk.
Don't stress over things you have no control over, it doesn't help! My husband has lots of projects here and there and it drives me nuts that they never get done...Christmas lights still up, carport door only 1/2 completed, washer and dryer pedestal in the middle of the basement floor. His projects can stress me out more than anything....I am learning to let them go!
He is currently working on quitting smoking and has cut his consumption down by an entire carton of cigarettes per pay period, so that is 2 cartons per month. He is sleeping all night as opposed to getting up all night to smoke, he isn't having a morning cigarette anymore, so I have to let him be and not drive him back to grabbing those smokes.
So, my dear readers, take some time today, sit down and relax if for no other reason than God says it is okay to rest!
Oh I love this post and totally agree. Usually my quiet time is spent in my sewing room because I love quilting. However I don't do much else just for me. This is such a gentle reminder we need to take care of ourselves as women. Hugs
I forgot to say I need to get out and do some walking. Only thing is it's just too cold. Hugs
We DESERVE that time. Time to be good to ourselves so we will be awake to help those closest to us. :o)
Excellent advice. Luckily I learned this rather young...but so many of my women friends just can't seem to grasp the concept of down time.
Thanks for that post. Guess we all know it, but it really helps to hear to again. {{HUGS}}
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