I am sure the one of the left you think you have seen before. However, it is the last of this panel fabric that I had and now it is gone!
Both of these are for infants or a very small child. I hope to be able to get another one completed this week and have at least several more completed and out the door no later than April 15th.
The back of the children playing is pink paper doll fabric. I realized yesterday, I have tons of stash fabric, to put together many different colors and sizes.
For those of you that do not feel you have time to make a quilt or two, I attempted to make a tutorial for you that shows you how to make a pillowcase type of quilt or sandwich quilt using just 2 pieces of large fabric and a piece of batting.
My photographer was my 8 year old granddaughter and for the first time being able to use the digital video, I think she did pretty good.
I one the other hand, could critique this tutorial, but why? I just wanted to show everyone how quickly a quilt could be made for those in crisis!
Part one & please excuse me, for tripping all over myself!
And panels go together really quickly as well. I just need to quilt mine, tops are finished. They will be going in the mail first of next week. Hugs
I think it's great that so many people are doing quilts for Japan. Your 8 year old granddaughter did a better job than many adults I've seen! The camera wasn't blurry and rocking around everywhere. Good for her!
Great tutorial! I like your camera "man" :-) She did a great job!!! I made fleece tie-quilts, but now I know I can make a pillowcase quilt like these...thank you!
I've never seen the map of the USA fabric. Really cool - I like that!
You might want to reconsider WHO you send your box to. I sent a big box out to CO with NO answer that they even received the box. I addressed Kelly with this matter and she took NO responsibility for it. They are very unprofessional about all of this, in my opinion. I'm always leary when I send my donations out~this is why. Just be cautious. She acted like SHE was not the one involved. Hmmm. Just a heads up... You might want to reconsider your post to GIVE to this cause. Maybe find another reputable quilter to send your box to, who you KNOW is going to get that box to Japan~where it belongs .
Nikki, I am not sure who Kelly is, but I very clearly listed the information from Quilters Newsletter on my blog and I have written to Dana Jones and she assured me they are doing this. Kelly may have been who I originally got information from and I am sure if you sent the box return receipt you would have known it arrived. Quilters Newsletter is very reputable and I assure you, I do check out things before I post them.
I got my quilt done Jean!!! I have it boxed up and Hubs is taking it to the post tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. It really motivated me to actually finish a quilt ;D
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