Friday, April 29, 2011

Helping Others

Just when I start wondering why it is I can't find a full-time job, God reminds me while I am not working out of the home full-time, I best get to quilting for those that have no homes at all.

Face it, if you are a quilter, the truth be told, you probably have more of a fabric stash than your local fabric shop does! Ha Ha!

Yesterday we had both a Wolf (Cub) Scout meeting and a Girl Scout meeting and I talked to the scouts and family members about filling a box to send the Schneider family of Wisconsin who lost everything in the tornado of Wisconsin recently.

We have a box with baby wipes, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, candy for the kids, shirt, socks and a quilt for the baby that I had already had made sitting around the house in an air tight bag. I hope to complete the box with razors (men and women's), small travel size products, womens socks and a Walmart gift card.

The boys were really happy to do this and they made cards for the family as well.

As long as we have earth quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, there will always be a need to show Gods love towards those in need. There will always be lessons to be taught for Scouts and children of all ages, incomes and backgrounds.

As long as I can sew, have a breath left in my body, I will do my best to make quilts for those in need. I may not be able to quilt the world, but I can sure make a difference in someones life one quilt at a time.