Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Through Tragedy and Pain, A Thank You

I think by now many of you have heard about the family that lost their 2 little boys during the Joplin Tornado and how tragic that truly was. I mean, I can't imagine loosing children at the same time. I lost one as a child and that tore my world apart, but two. I can only pray for this family.

What touched my soul though was the grandparents as they spoke, they could barely get their words out, but they said thank you. Through their sorrow, grief, their heartbreak, they thanked the people for working so hard to find their grandsons.

They prayed for a better outcome, however, there wasn't one and I have no answers for that family, no way to comfort that family, but I can tell you they comforted me when they said thank you to those people who were helping them.

No one expected it. They wouldn't have been blamed if they had forgotten to say thanks, but they didn't!

So many times I go through my daily life and never hear anyone say thank you, I try to do my best to say it as often as possible and probably am not always good at it, but I am not going through a tragedy, how much more should we remember to say thank you during our normal daily routine?

So, in case I haven't said it today, thank you to everyone who reads my blog, you don't have to, but you do and I am thankful!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Hi Jean,
Have you gotten my package yet? I checked with the post office and they told me it should have been delivered yesterday (Tuesday). I am out of town and have limited e mail access. I should be home on Friday and will email you again to see what's going on. Hopefully by then you will have it.