Saturday, December 10, 2011


Recently I have had several people contact me regarding books they have self-published asking me to review the book and pass the news on. Both of these books have been for grandparents raising grandchildren or just grandparents and I have been blessed to pass those onto my wonderful readers.

I am now thinking about walking that pathway having written a book years ago on a grandchilds perspective of living with her grandparents. I tried all the childrens publishers out there and they shut me down cold! Unless you have a publishing agent, they won't even talk to you. I was a bit bummed and shelved my book for years.

Lately as the kids are getting older and I run into so many other grandparents going through the same thing, I am thinking it is time to dust off the pages, burn the rejection letters, look to my grands to do the illustrations and then off to self publishing I will go.

Does anyone know much about this? How expensive is it? Is it legit as I don't want my book stolen or my story.

Just thinking how this book would comfort so many children and families going through this process.

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