Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out With The Old

Out with the Old year, bad memories, tough times, garbage collected, weight collected and in with the new! I think we all love the freshness of a New Year, taking that old calendar off the wall filled with appointments, comments and replacing it with a fresh new look all bright and shiny.

I do the same thing with my blog. I take a look around and decide (sadly) who I am no longer going to follow anymore. It has more to do with blog posts than anything else. If I am your follower and you haven't posted in over 2 or 3 months and I go to check on your blog and am told it can't be found, or I Email you saying I care (believe me I do) and receive no response.

Then I can only assume you have quit blogging or moved onto opening another blog and don''t want to share it with the rest of us, or life has gotten to be to much and you moved on. I want you to know I am sad that you left and I loved following you and your creativeness, wisdom or just simply your blog made me smile.

Today, I can look back at my bedroom, bathroom. living room and kitchen and say, 'I have no old left, so bring in the new or bring in nothing, I don't want the clutter!' Everything is nicely put away, folded and looks so great. Even under the kitchen sink looks fresh and new.

Yesterday while cleaning my glass cabinet (I have an old kitchen with sliding glass doors on both sides of a cabinet, I scrubbed those doors inside and out and then washed every piece of glass inside. Do you know how it all sparkles when a year of dust is removed?

That is what the new year is about...sparkly, new and fresh! With a few more tweaks of my blog and maybe a facelift in the next month, this will be as well. I hope we all have a wonderful and blessed 2012 and that you will join me in my Bible Study Blog Hop because I truly believe this year, praying women coming together will change lives near and far!

Watch for my first will be wonderful, fresh and handmade!

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