As I told my dear DIL's sister I would someday make her a quilt with Butterflies and these 2 fabrics are going to be perfect for what I have in mind...if I ever get that far!
I have really been trying to catch up on my quilting not only the last few projects I have been working on for months, but more charity projects and projects for my shops....however, it is slow going because what I could once do even as late as last year is slowly taking more and more time to complete!
The next fabric I stumbled upon was this aqua colored abstracty floral which also had a bit over a yard on the bolt, so I picked it up and until just now, didn't realize it will go perfect with the first fabric. Hmmm, maybe those little fairies know something after all!
Then again as a quilter, who knows what any of these fabrics will turn up in...could be a table runner, quilt, baby dress, skirt, shorts, it depends on my mood and when I can use these, but they are in the box with the rest of my stash.
I will most likely be using our church auditorium for cutting up my charity quilts, I have a large bolt of fabric given to me and it is easier to lay it out on one of the long tables to cut it and the batting, so that will help in getting those completed over the next month or so.
Lastly, I picked up this purple fabric with flecks of gold glitter and I have no idea why as I just used up the very last bit of this I had but those sneaky little fabric fairies must have something creative in mind or they simply know I love the color purple. Either way, it was one sale.
I have begun to get hubby involved in my hunt for things I want to add to my stash...asking him if he sees any notions at a yard sale or estate sale to call me or pick them up. I am seriously looking for RickRack, lace trims, bias tapes and more fabrics.
As I have stated here before if you have a stack of fabric you no longer want or need I am more than willing to pay postage for it or pay a decent price. We just have no real choices in our area and driving is just getting to be to difficult on my back, hips and legs. Yesterday the drive to Olympia pretty much ended my day. I am okay if someone else drives, but if I am driving it is killer when I return home!
Happy 4th of July everyone!
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