Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quilting Book Giveaway! Ends Dec. 1st

We are on page 166

Wow! I am so humbled and honored to have a chapter in Ruth McHaney Danner's latest book about quilters that reach out and touch lives!  I just could not have ever dreamed that helping others with a quilt would lead to being mentioned in a book about quilts! 

I knew quilters were an amazing group of people, but Ruth's book just confirms it! From a quilter in Spokane who donates quilts to Hospice, Project Linus quilters, Quilts of Valor quilters, quilts for those undergoing chemo all the way to those amazing ladies who form church quilting bee's, quilters in the jungles, the book has so many amazing stories.

Ruth herself is a charitable quilter living in Spokane, WA (I have never met her personally) and if you would like to know more about her, just click on her name in this post and it will take you to her website where you can enjoy some of the beautiful quilts she herself has made.

There are several ways to get a copy of Ruth's book.
1- Click on this link to Amazon 
2- Click on this link to Barnes and Noble 
3- Follow the Rafflecopter below and win a copy here on our blog!
**I do not receive any compensation from the above book sellers, the author or her publisher!** 


Magpie Sue said...

I am SO pleased your efforts have been documented in a book!

Patty said...

Congratulations Jean! You do a wonderful mission for so many people and I'm sure it's hard. I am so glad to hear that you have been included in the book.

Quiltingranny said...

Yes Patty at times it is. Quilts come in, I go through every one looking for stains, bad smells, things that cannot be passed onto those in need but perhaps can be donated to our local mission, shelters and even sometimes animal rescues. I take pictures, and pack them up. It has been funny the past few days my grands friends have came in and said, 'Wow! Your house looks really clean and empty!' Yes, even teens noticed I had so many quilts. Last year as in years before we have been in the red. This year will be no exception. I am asking for prayers for guidance in how this ministry should continue and what it should look like. If I go non-profit, the rules would be so different, I would need an accountant, to much work! LOL!!!

Brooke said...

I know you have worked tirelessly to gather quilts for others...blessings to you!


mumbird3 said...

Wonderful inspiration!