Saturday, January 19, 2008

Greater Is He...

I feel that is should be a part of every Christian's daily walk to read and study the bible. However, I would be lying if I said that I do this myself everyday (or have to this point). But I am now making time each morning to get up and read the Holy Bible.

Today, my reading was in First John and this is where I found what I have known forever, ' Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.' What an awesome verse that is for all of us to think about and claim as our own!

Greater is He (Jesus Christ, the Son of God) that is in me (a born again Christian), than he (the devil) that is in the world.

If we repeatedly think over this verse and repeat it often enough or in times when we don't feel like being Christ like, it will gradually make us rethink what we are going to do. What an awesome promise God has given us in these words.

So, even when we feel we are alone, we aren't because if we are born again, we have the Holy
Spirit to keep us on track and keep us company.

Oh Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, I am born again!

If you don't know Jesus as your savior and you would like to know Him, please Email me and I will be more than happy to pray with you and help you with your prayer.

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