Sunday, January 20, 2008

Looks Like We Made It

I was cleaning the girls room today & trust me it needed it. We found a entire trash bag of garbage, some old Cracker Jacks (eewww!_) and lots and lots of matching puzzle pieces. I had a local radio station on that was playing some very old music, even music and songs I hadn't heard in my 50+ years.

I was sitting on the floor putting puzzles together when the song 'Looks Like We Made It,' came on by Barry Manilow & at that exact time, hubby came in for lunch. He looked at me with this huge wonderful smile and said, 'who would have thought 27 years ago this would wind up being our song?' What an amazing and wonderful husband I have. God blessed me so many years ago and I love him more today than ever I did.

So, while its not even Valentine's Day, hubbies and wives, find something really neat and spontaneous to say to your spouse to let them know you love them.

Peace Out!

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