Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Autumn Air

Iced car windows, scraping and laughing as the cold air kisses my face and freezes my nose.
Walking the puppy along the river and amazed at the shadows of otter, fishing boats and nets in the morning fog and silence.
Goose poop! Lots of geese, lots of poop!
Cut back raspberries, dying and yet one lonely flower struggling for survival.
Pumpkins, gourds and squash in their best fall dresses of white, orange, speckled, smooth and rough.
Pumkin bread, pumpkin muffins, the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg.
Hot chocolate with whipped cream ghosts swimming around in the cup.
Planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas and wanting snow, but just not right now.
Storing wood for the winter.
Swiss Steak, vegetable soup and steam from the cups as it rises.
Fall, colorful, beautiful, cold and refreshing!

1 comment:

Sarah C said...

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