Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Little Girl Scouts

These were our 2 little girl scouts (Brownie & Daisy) last evening as they were going out the door to their investiture ceremony. I was appalled as not only an assistant leader, but as a grandparent/parent that this crossing over ceremony though not fancy, was presented to the parents a few weeks ago and not one of the parents for our troop stayed to watch the girls earn their first pin, say their Girl Scout promise or take pictures. How sad for them. The truly missed all these giggly girls cheering each other on as they said their promise and earned their pins.

The Daisy in the family earned her center flower and her yellow pedal as well as several other participation badges.

The Brownie earned her science, human body and her challenge badges and pins. These girls simply amaze me at how much they absorb and can repeat. Our girls have Awanas and Brownies and each requires memorization on the girls part to receive their awards.

I will post another picture just as soon as I get all the new awards sewn on.

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