Friday, April 3, 2009

Safety Tattoos

I was checking out some giveaways today and stumbled across one for Safety Tattoos, this is an amazing product and I really do highly recommend if you have any connection to children you purchase these as gifts to their parents, grandparents, daycare, sitter, friends. Where were these when our kids were small?

We have for years gone to NASCAR races and for the same amount of years we have taken one or all of our grandchildren with us and they have a super system set up for kids to get arm bands, but after a bit what happens are they get hot and sweaty under them and begin to itch and the kids pull at them until they break.

With this product, it goes on like a tattoo, stays on and you can even put allergy information on them. What peace of mind this is going to bring me when I order them and know when we go anywhere, if they get lost, someone will be able to locate them.

How many times have you been to a store to hear a child crying because it wandered away. These are perfect for even grocery shopping.

Check them out on my side bar and let me know what you think!

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