Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Big List of Blog Giveaways...

Sometimes I think the hardest thing we bloggers do, is host giveaways and then trying to figure out how to post them so more can see them. I mean, the people I have had is 70 & yet, other blogs generate more than 500 comments per giveaway.
Now, there is an easier way for all of us to list our giveaway and that is by going over the The Big List of Blog Giveaways and right now you can sign up for a chance to advertise on their site for free!
I find this site to be quickly evolving to a giant site for lots of giveaways and the more people that list, the more chances you have of someone checking out your blog and advertising rates are very reasonable, about $10 a month and imagine how much traffic that will carry to your blog.
What a way to network. So, click on over to the Big List of Blog Giveaways and let them know, you were sent over by me!

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