Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Wonderful Evening

Yesterday was fantastic, aside from every kid in the block bugging our dear neighbor and coming to my house every 10 minutes to ask what time it was. They had gotten out of school early and were all very excited about having a pizza and movie party at a neighbors.

When we arrived at 6:30, all the kids were there, telling the adults we were late...go figure! It was perfect. We watched a Wallace and Grommet cartoon movie, had pizza and great conversation and I had made homemade Strawberry Lollipops and the kids loved them and one of the neighbors brought over Otter Pops.

As is common for our side of the state, once the sun dropped, it got a little cool, but neighbor to the rescue, he had a portable fire pit to keep everyone warm and cozy. It was just the most perfect night, as it should have been. When you spend time with friends it just makes the rest of your problems melt away!

It wasn't long after we arrived home that it began to rain and at 1:00 AM, I opened the front door, it was pouring, but the night air was so warm and sweet, that I sat outside for a few minutes and just said a quick prayer to God thanking Him for the rain and the beauty and good friends.

This morning the sun is out, but the gray clouds are swiftly moving in. It is still a great day!

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