Monday, July 19, 2010

Meet Me On Monday...I Love Meeting New People

So, I follow Shawnee Halligans blog (one of my apron idols) & she is doing a follow me Friday for women over 40 (lets hear it for those of us over 40!) & going to Never Growing Old at blogspot and she is having meet me on Monday and asks several questions for anyone to answer:
1. Whats your favorite sandwich? Mine is Subway Tuna on Honey Wheat with tiny bit of lettuce, tomato, pickles, bell peppers, black olives, salt and pepper, oil & vinegar...YUMMY!
2. What is stashed under my bed/mattress? My clothes...our bed is this huge thing with giant drawers on both sides and on the end as our room was too small for a dresser and it is the most awesome bed to my old waterbed frame which we had for years but wouldn't fit in the new house!
3. What is my favorite flower? Carnations, hands down, but I also love Nasturiums!
4. What is my favorite magazine? Probably anyone doing with cooking or quilting.
5. How often do I weigh myself? Thats easy, once a week at my TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) meeting. It is recorded on the same digital scale every week by the same person & I wear the same clothes so I know it is correct and I don't get all wigged out during the rest of the week. BTW, I have lost just under 7 pounds in 6 weeks...not a huge loss, but it is a loss!
So, hop on over and Meet Me Monday!


Mary said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! I had a cute little ticker on my blog, but decided to take it down. It hasn't moved much since the beginning of summer, so I thought I'd wait until we're back in school to get serious!

Eileen said...

I've joined up with the meet me on Monday linky too. It's fun and easy isn't it?

Candace said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! It was nice to read a little bit about you. Thanks so much for stopping by, commenting and following me. I am now your newest follower and look forward to getting to know you!

Have a great day,