This months giveaway will consist of 5 prizes. You read it right ladies and gents, 5 small but adorable crafty items for those of you that scrapbook, sew, quilt, etc.
Here they are in order of prize placement, not picture order:
- Dritz bobbin holder
- Black and White tags, add a touch of class to your gifts and scrap booking with these tags that remind me of Paris!
- Aqua colored tags, beautiful as well
- This adorable Home Sweet Home iron on for a tee shirt, little girls dress, table cover, etc.
- A mailer full of fabric, my choosing
There you have it, the prizes for the last giveaway on this blog for awhile. However if you want to donate or know others that would like to donate, I have been scouring the web for handmade soaps, bath salts, fused glass pieces, etc.
-Ends March 15 at 6PM CST
-Sorry, but due to postage fee's, I cannot open this to anyone but US residents (unless the winner wants to pay their own postage)
-Leave a comment with your Email address or link back to you so I can contact you or your entry will be removed. I spend to much time trying to track winners down. **When you leave a comment, please do not leave a 'do not reply,' all comments come to my Email first and I would like to acknowledge your entry was received.**
-Post comment - 1 entry for each comment left
-Blog about it and link back - 5 entries
-Facebook- 5 entries
-Twitter -5 entries
-Become a NEW follower (please do not remove your status and then repost, it isn't fair to those that are already followers) - 2 entries
-Let me know you came from another blog where you saw this and you and your blogging buddy receive 5 more entries.
Enjoy, have a good time and come back often!
What a wonderful giveaway. I totally understand about mailing costs.
I want to say how much I loved my two wins. Two books and the Ottlite. Again thank you!! Hugs
I hear you on giveaways that cost you money. Thanks for this last one tho.... GREAT STUFF
Great giveaway I live in NH
Liza Vladyka face book follows you
Liza Vladyka face book follows you
Liza Vladyka face book follows you
Liza Vladyka face book follows you
Liza Vladyka face book follows you
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