Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thanks So Very Much to Becky at Cutest Blog On The Block!

We still I am noticing have a few tweaks to make here so everything fits nice and neatly and doesn't overlap, but for the most part, the new design and blog are complete!

This beautiful new design and logo would not have been possible without the dedication, design and technical knowledge of Becky from the Cutest Blog On The Block!

From the moment I asked for Becky's help she was right there, asking me questions, sending me suggestions, allowing me to make changes, toss ideas around and always telling me yes this is doable or why don't we try it this way.

Becky never once gave up on me, she wasn't offended if I didn't like something or if I wanted to change something and her imagination and creativity with my little bits of..'I want a quilt with a headset on it,' became what you see today.

Of course as many of you know, I am very fond of the color purple, so we had to have some purple in our logo and my granddaughters chose the logo layout, the font, but Becky added the sweetest little touch with the heart at the bottom!  

If you are looking to change the look of your blog, website, Etsy shop, I would most highly absolutely positively tell you to contact Becky and start the process.

Prices are very reasonable and she is just amazing with all the details and information she has.  I am so proud of this blog, of what Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 is becoming, because it isn't just mine, it belongs to all of us, all of us who have made quilts or blankets for 911 dispatchers and first responders.

We ARE NOT a business, we are a charity, a ministry, a quilted blessing and while we do not have non-profit status, at this time I see no need for it, what you do is so very important and comforting to those who receive quilts.

Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 is recognized in Washington state as a charity that takes in less than $5,000 per year, because we don't solicit for money to pay employee's (there are none), the dollars that do infrequently come in, go out to postage.

Unlike most charities, I do NOT get paid, the quilts for the most part go to the recipients and not to us. I am just the founder, the quilters, Becky, donators are the foundation of Layers of Hope - Quilting 911, the threads that hold us up and reach out to those in need.

We are continuing on with the goal of helping others and you already have. In 2013 alone, with your help, Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 gave over 80 quilts to dispatchers and families, that is a lot of cutting, piecing, quilting and I am humbled!

I would love to see Layers of Hope - Quilting 911 explode and become so huge, we require an office, a building, a board of directors, when and if that time comes, it is my dream, I can quilt and hand the role over to someone much more capable and qualified than I am to run something that huge!

In the meantime, Becky, I send you huge virtual hugs and quilters, bloggers all over, if you get a chance to use one of their designs which are free, seriously consider donating a few dollars to CBOTB because a lot of time goes into creating those wonderful backgrounds!

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